bungad biluso is growing - as a resort and as a brand. From a quaint private family rest house to a 3,000 sq/m of space and amenities - not to mention the fledgling in-house catering and events set-up - the resort is aiming for bigger things ahead of us. And in this time of steady growth calls for a firm and recognizable visual identity that imbues the characteristics and qualities of bungad biluso - and it all starts with a logo.

"we believe that birds and trees best symbolize the epitome of a relaxing environment"
The logo was partly inspired by the photo above taken at the resort years ago. The bird was perched eye-level on a branch near the Chapel of the Trees. Living in the city, we were surprised how close the bird was to us, and how much close we can get to it. Just like the photo, we want bungad biluso to be a place where the space between nature and man is made less. We also want bungad biluso to be a place where one can retreat and refresh, and we believe that birds and trees best symbolize the epitome of a relaxing environment.

This logo and visual identity overhaul is part of our efforts to strengthen the resort's mission and vision through proper branding. The goal is to present bungad biluso to the public not just as a private resort, but a trademark that would always be equivalent to a venue where peace of heart and mind meets.
What do you think? Leave a comment below!
1) 2013 - 2015

The resort's first ever logo, created using the most sophisticated graphic software known to man. Simple, clear, and gets the message across. Also reminds me of a shape-sorter toy for kids. Believe it or not, this logo has actually made it into a guest's wedding invitation as the resort's official logo.
2) 2015 - 2018

A giant leap from the first logo in terms of everything, this was supposed to be our official logo. But due to lack of push in implementation and a feeble branding to lean on, this logo is found only on wooden air-con remote control holder and is invisible in the digital world.
3) 2018 -

The initial idea has always been a bird on a branch, and finally it is here. It rates well from a design standpoint as it is balanced, readable, and has no issues with scalability. The 'private resort' has been dropped because we want a logo that evolves with the brand. Hopefully we can take care of the logo by using it properly and respecting the guidelines.